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- /******************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Digitized Voice Programmer's Toolkit */
- /* ------------------------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Example of a program which records voice data */
- /* to a file of unlimited length */
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 1989, Farpoint Software */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* This program simply records a voice message while displaying */
- /* a message repeatedly indicating the count of bytes recorded. */
- /* The digitized voice data is written a disk file piece by */
- /* piece while the recording is in progress. The memory buffer */
- /* used is much smaller than the potential file size. Data is */
- /* written to the buffer with the pointer wrapping back to the */
- /* beginning of the buffer upon reaching the end. The routine */
- /* RVOICE_CATCHUP (source in VRMOD.ASM) transfers data from the */
- /* buffer to the file in the same way. */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************/
- #include "vrmod.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <sys\types.h>
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #include <bios.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define buf_size 16384L
- char filename[128];
- char huge *buffer;
- int handle;
- short comport;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char ** argv;
- {
- short retval;
- long count,index;
- /* make sure there are two arguments on the command line */
- if (argc != 3)
- {
- printf("Command line must include COM port number (1 - 4) and file name.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* get the COM port number */
- argv++;
- comport = (short)((**argv) - '0');
- /* get the file name */
- argv++;
- strcpy(filename,*argv);
- /* open or create the file, truncating if it already exists */
- handle = open(filename,O_BINARY|O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);
- if (handle == -1)
- {
- printf("Error opening file.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* allocate memory for the buffer */
- buffer = (char huge *)halloc(buf_size,1);
- if (buffer == NULL)
- {
- close(handle);
- printf("Unable to allocate buffer memory.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* get ready */
- /* start the process */
- retval = RVOICE_START(buffer,(long)buf_size,1,handle,comport,0L);
- /* check the return code for errors */
- switch (retval)
- {
- case 0:
- printf("Voice recording has begun.\n");
- break;
- case 1:
- printf("Buffer sizing error.\n");
- break;
- case 3:
- printf("Invalid COM port.\n");
- }
- if (!retval)
- {
- /* loop while testing for the <Esc> key which ends recording */
- while (1)
- {
- /* RVOICE_CATCHUP must be called frequently to keep writing */
- /* the data to the disk as it becomes available without */
- /* allowing buffer wrap-around to catch up with us. */
- /* If RVOICE_CATCHUP returns 2 then file write error. */
- if (RVOICE_CATCHUP() == 2)
- {
- printf("File write error.\n");
- break;
- }
- /* doodle in the foreground while all this is happening */
- RVOICE_STATUS(&count,&index);
- printf("Count of bytes recorded = %ld\n",count);
- /* check the keystroke buffer */
- if (_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READY))
- {
- /* key pressed, test for <Esc> key */
- if ( (_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ) >> 8) == 0x01)
- {
- printf("Voice recording ended.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!retval)
- {
- /* we need to make sure it is all written */
- while (RVOICE_CATCHUP() == 0);
- }
- /* call RVOICE_CLEANUP before exiting or crash later */
- /* close the file and free the allocated memory */
- close(handle);
- free(buffer);
- }